Rhyming poems for kids

A is for apple a- a- apple

B is for ball, b- ball

C is for camel c - c - camel

D is for Doll d-doll

E is for elbow e-e-elbow


G is for goldfish g-g-goldfish

H is for hand h-hand
I is for igloo i-i-igloo
J is for jar j-jar
K is for kitten k-k-kitten
L is for leaf l-leaf
M is for monkey m-m-monkey
N is for nose n-nose
O is for omelet o-o-omelet
P is for pie p-pie
Q is for quarter q-q-quarter
R is for rose r-rose
S is for sailboat s-s-sailboat
T is for tire t-tire
U is for under u-u-under
V is for vase v-vase
W is for wagon w-w-wagon
X is for xylophone x-xylophone
Y is for yellow y-y-yellow
Z is for zoo z-zoo 
These are the alphabets and the sounds that they make
yeah yeah


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